W_UP Tour: camping, art and upcycling in Italy
Study Visit
8-17 September 2023 | Milan, Italy

The Study Visit is a test of a new format of international mobility – the W_UP Tour – to raise people up, make them aware of waste management and upcycling issues and create a positive impact in local communities on this topic.
This Study Visit is part of the W_UP project, an Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the Field of Youth. The general aim of the project is to create a mobility scheme, labelled W_UP Tour, to support young people and non-profit organisations to develop entrepreneurial activities on waste upcycling both in Europe and in Asia.
W_UP Tour are defined as a mixture of raising awareness tours and change-making actions organised by 3 European and 3 Asian non-profit organisations working on the field, with the purpose of: offering quality-learning experiences to international participants; raising awareness at international and local level on waste issues; financially supporting non-profit organisations and local communities through social entrepreneurship; helping the local community better manage the waste.
Since this Study Visit will coincide with the dates of an international workcamp, the Study Visit is addressed to youth workers and managers of NGOs interested in implementing similar activities and replicate the NFL methodologies in other communities, thus multiplying results and outcomes. Participants will have the chance to take part in the pilot activity, to see how international mobility is organised, scheduled and to share good practices with managers of the Asian and European organisations involved in the project.
During the Study Visit participants will discover the local context on waste management together with local community and stakeholders dealing with it, like experts, local NGOs, public institutions and local people, to perform educational activities with young people, campaigns and workshops on waste upcycling. In the last days of the W_UP Tour a dissemination event with local authorities and relevant stakeholders will be organised to present the outcomes of the mobility and raise awareness in the local communities.
The theme of the W_UP Tour in Italy is art and upcycling and it focuses on how to manage the waste and turn discarded objects into something new and valuable. The Study Visit will take place in Milan, and the accommodation will be CasciNet. It is an Association based in the ancient Cascina Sant’Ambrogio, an agricultural farmhouse located on the edge of Milan.
CasciNet itself will be one of the venues to be visited and discovered, with its farmyard, barns, vegetable gardens, a forest of fruit trees and plants (foodforest) and the hives of the Apinet educational apiary.
The Study Visit will last 10 days (arrival and departure included) and will include the implementation of the upcycling methodologies developed during the project, as well as the visit of other good practices and local stakeholders and the implementation of a dissemination event to promote the project.
The Study Visit is hosted by CasciNet in collaboration with Associazione No Borders, the Italian association that coordinates the project.
Fonte: https://www.salto-youth.net/